“When you do something nice for your neighbor, you start something good.”
Join us on Saturday, May 13 to celebrate WJCT Public Media’s 7th annual Be My Neighbor Day.
We’re bringing together our friends and community partners for a FREE fun-filled Saturday festival sharing with families how to be a caring neighbor.
Activities include:
- Decorate placemats to share with residents at Almost Home DayBreak.
- Meet a community helper and learn how you can help too.
- Make a bookmark for yourself and for someone learning to read at Literacy Alliance of Northeast Florida.
- Pledge to do something nice for a neighbor.
Lots more details coming soon!
**Due to space restrictions strollers will not be allowed inside WJCT Studios. Stroller parking will be available outside.
Reserve your space today!
Click Here
Just some of the neighbors you’ll meet at Be My Neighbor Day:
Blue Star Families
Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
Early Learning Coalition of Duval
Episcopal Children’s Services
Florida Masonic Child ID Program
Florida Poison Information Center Jacksonville
Florida Prepaid College Savings Plan
Hanley Foundation
Hope and Healing Jax
Jacksonville Humane Society
Jacksonville Public Library
Jacksonville Sheriff Office
Jacksonville Today
Kids Hope Alliance
LifeQuest/Donate Life Florida
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
Museum of Science and History (MOSH)
North Florida Astronomical Society
On Our Sleeves
RoboThink First Coast
Safe Kids Northeast Florida
Space Travel Dome and Planetarium
Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office Fourth Circuit
Timucuan Preserve-National Park Service
Tom Bush Family of Dealerships
WILD Program at Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens
Yoga 4 Change
Saturday, May 13, 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
WJCT Studios
100 Festival Park Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32202