Each quarter, the public is invited to submit questions on a new topic by email to communitythread@wjct.org or on Twitter using the hashtag #WJCTThread. Members of the public are also invited to attend the “Community Thread” TV show taping and ask questions directly to a panel of experts. Our news team will also sift through the questions and provide answers to many of them in radio stories, to keep the conversation going.
How is Jacksonville spending our tax money? For years city leaders have talked about bringing jobs and updating infrastructure to make the city more attractive. But are those investments spread across the city equally?
Join our panel of experts and moderator Melissa Ross for a live, interactive, televised discussion on June 29. If you can’t attend, send your questions and comments about Jacksonville’s public spending to communitythread@wjct.org.
“Community Thread — City Spending: Where Should Our Money Go?” airs live ay 8 p.m. June 29 on WJCT-TV and 89.9 WJCT-FM.
What are your thoughts or questions about city spending? Be part of our live studio audience and share your voice.
- All guests must arrive at 7:30 p.m. and must be seated by 7:45 p.m. or they will not be allowed into the studio.
- Tickets are free, but space is limited.
- No admittance without RSVP.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
WJCT Studios
100 Festival Park Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32202