The “school-to-prison pipeline” describes a trend of children being removed from public schools and indirectly pushed into the juvenile justice system. Kids are suspended, expelled or arrested for minor offenses that in the past might have been handled in the school environment.
Critics often point to zero-tolerance policies and the increased presence of police on campus as contributing factors to the problem. Others accuse educators of pushing out students who don’t perform as well. Additionally, children of color and those with a history of abuse, neglect or poverty are the most affected by the issue. The growth of the school-to-prison pipeline also contributes to the larger crisis of overcrowding in American prisons.
WJCT’s Melissa Ross and WJXT4 The Local Station/News4Jax’s Tarik Minor will co-host this live, event, simulcasting on WJCT-TV, WJCT 89.9 and WJXT on August 14th at 8pm from WJCT Studios. The show will be a town hall style program with live audience members asking questions of our panel.
[call_to_action background_pattern=”stripes-dark” button_color=”blue” button_text=”Click here!” button_url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fist-coast-forum-school-to-prison-pipeline-tickets-12432791815″]What are your thoughts? Be part of our live studio audience and share your voice.[/call_to_action]When
Thursday, August 14, 2014
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
100 Festival Park Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32202