A Free Interactive Health Forum
Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke, regardless of age or family history. Learn more about your risk at a free, interactive health forum with Mayo Clinic physicians on May 12.
Do you know?
- Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke, regardless of age or family history.
- Nearly 700,000 people in the United States have a stroke annually.
- Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death.
Bring your questions and learn more about preventing and treating stroke.
Join members of Mayo Clinic’s Comprehensive Stroke Center to learn more about stroke, including signs and symptoms, how family history impacts your risk and ways to prevent stroke. Hear about what sets Mayo Clinic apart with respect to the latest in treatment and intervention for stroke, including why stroke survival rates have improved.
This event is free, but space is limited. Registration begins at 6:30PM. Program begins at 7PM. Refreshments provided. RSVP requested by May 10 by 5PM. Call 904.358.6322 or RSVP on-line.
[call_to_action background_pattern=”stripes-dark” button_color=”blue” button_text=”Click Here!” button_url=”http://www.eventbrite.com/e/stroke-can-happen-to-anyone-presented-by-wjct-and-mayo-clinic-tickets-16536192196″ new_window=”1″]For more information and to reserve your seat…[/call_to_action]When
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
WJCT Studios
100 Festival Park Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32202