A Cultural Fusion collaboration between MOSH, the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, the Ritz Theatre & Museum, WJCT, Theatre Jacksonville, and the St. Johns Riverkeeper, Voices of the River puts a spotlight on the important role the river has played in our history and continues to play today.
This one-day-only Year of the River event includes tours of MOSH, the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, and the Ritz Theatre & Museum, a boat ride on the river, and special programming including Theatre Jacksonville actors bringing history to life in the Currents of Time exhibit at MOSH, and WJCT sharing radio stories about the river.
[divider/]Tickets $70
This event begin at 8:00am at the Ritz Theatre & Museum, 829 North Davis St. Breakfast at MOSH provided by Corner Bakery of Riverside, Lunch and refreshments provided by the Ritz Theatre & Museum.
[call_to_action background_pattern=”stripes-dark” button_color=”blue” button_text=”Click Here!” button_url=”http://goo.gl/owUbUZ”]For full details and to get tickets:[/call_to_action] [call_to_action background_pattern=”stripes-dark” button_color=”blue” button_text=”Click Here!” button_url=”http://goo.gl/kNGkwt”]For a detailed schedule:[/call_to_action] [divider/]Cultural Fusion’s Year of the River is sponsored by the Harold K. Smith Fund at The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida.
Museum of Science & History, Jacksonville
The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
Ritz Theatre and Museum
Theatre Jacksonville
St. Johns Riverkeeper
Saturday, July 11, 2015
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Ritz Theater & Museum
829 North Davis Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202