Saturday, June 7, 2025 | 10AM - 2PM
WJCT Studios
100 Festival Park Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Thanks for joining us for Be My Neighbor Day 2024. Stay tuned for updates as our plans come together for Be Neighbor Day 2025.
Since 2017, WJCT Public Media has hosted an annual Be My Neighbor Day, bringing together our friends and community partners for a FREE fun-filled Saturday festival (usually the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend) sharing with families how to be a caring neighbor.
Building on the themes of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Be My Neighbor Day invites children and families to participate in activities that aid neighbors in need, learn about how they can help neighbors, meet community helpers and explore all the places in their neighborhood. It’s a great way to help children understand how to support others and how a one kind act can lead to many.

Activities Include:
- Decorate placemats to share with residents at Almost Home DayBreak.
- Readings by Jax PBS KIDS Writers Contest winners.
- Meet a community helper and learn how you can help too.
- Performances by Mr. Joe.
- Make a bookmark for yourself and for someone learning to read.
- Face painters and food trucks.
- Pledge to do something nice for a neighbor.
- Celebrity reading corner.
- So much more!