UNF/FCN Feb. 20 Florida Presidential Poll Results

Here are the complete results of a poll conducted by the University of North Florida Public Research Lab done in conjunction with First Coast News. | Read story coverage of the poll

Poll note:  n= number of respondents

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg, who would you vote for?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=672
Donald Trump 44%
Michael Bloomberg 50%
Don’t Know 6%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=274 Republican Voters n=257 NPA Voters n=141
Donald Trump 10% 84% 37%
Michael Bloomberg 86% 12% 52%
Don’t Know 5% 5% 11%

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who would you vote for?

Answer Options


Florida Voters n=668
Donald Trump 48%
Joe Biden 49%
Don’t Know 3%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=271 Republican Voters n=253 NPA Voters n=144
Donald Trump 11% 89% 44%
Joe Biden 88% 9% 49%
Don’t Know 1% 3% 7%

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, who would you vote for?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=671
Donald Trump 48%
Bernie Sanders 48%
Don’t Know 4%


Answer Options  Democratic Voters n=277 Republican Voters n=252 NPA Voters n=142
Donald Trump 11% 89% 46%
Bernie Sanders 87% 10% 46%
Don’t Know 2% 2% 8%

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren, who would you vote for?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=661
Donald Trump 47%
Elizabeth Warren 47%
Don’t Know 6%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=269 Republican Voters n=252 NPA Voters n=140
Donald Trump 11% 88% 40%
Elizabeth Warren 87% 7% 47%
Don’t Know 2% 5% 13%

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Pete Buttigieg, who would you vote for?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=664
Donald Trump 49%
Pete Buttigieg 45%
Don’t Know 7%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=268 Republican Voters n=255 NPA Voters n=141
Donald Trump 14% 85% 45%
Pete Buttigieg 81% 10% 43%
Don’t Know 5% 5% 12%

If the general election were held today and the candidates were Donald Trump and Amy Klobuchar, who would you vote for?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=662
Donald Trump 48%
Amy Klobuchar 44%
Don’t Know 8%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=268 Republican Voters n=253 NPA Voters n=141
Donald Trump 13% 86% 44%
Amy Klobuchar 81% 9% 41%
Don’t Know 6% 5% 15%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way that Donald Trump is handling his job as President of the United States?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=715
Strongly Approve 31%
Somewhat Approve 16%
Somewhat Disapprove 10%
Strongly Disapprove 41%
Don’t Know 2%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=296 Republican Voters n=261 NPA Voters n=158
Strongly Approve 8% 62% 24%
Somewhat Approve 6% 25% 19%
Somewhat Disapprove 8% 4% 21%
Strongly Disapprove 76% 8% 34%
Don’t Know 2% 2% 3%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way that Marco Rubio is handling his job as United States Senator?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=715
Strongly Approve 21%
Somewhat Approve 28%
Somewhat Disapprove 15%
Strongly Disapprove 21%
Don’t Know 15%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=295 Republican Voters n=263 NPA Voters n=157
Strongly Approve 7% 41% 15%
Somewhat Approve 16% 36% 34%
Somewhat Disapprove 20% 8% 15%
Strongly Disapprove 41% 3% 17%
Don’t Know 16% 12% 19%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way that Rick Scott is handling his job as United States Senator?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=719
Strongly Approve 21%
Somewhat Approve 23%
Somewhat Disapprove 14%
Strongly Disapprove 22%
Don’t Know 19%


Answer Options Democratic Voters n=296 Republican Voters n=263 NPA Voters n=160
Strongly Approve 6% 43% 15%
Somewhat Approve 13% 31% 26%
Somewhat Disapprove 17% 6% 21%
Strongly Disapprove 43% 5% 16%
Don’t Know 21% 15% 21%

Survey Demographics

What is the highest grade in school or year of college you have completed?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=725
Less than High School Degree 3%
High School Graduate 22%
Some College 46%
College Graduate 17%
Postgraduate 12%

Currently, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or no party affiliation?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=725
Democrat 37%
Republican 35%
NPA/Independent 28%
[If NPA/Independent] Do you think of yourself closer to the Republican Party or Democratic Party?

Answer Options Florida Voters n=249
Closer to Republican 37%
Neither 25%
Closer to Democratic 33%
Don’t Know 3%


Age Florida Voters n=725
18-24 8%
25-34 15%
35-44 14%
45-54 15%
55-64 18%
65 and older 29%


Race Florida Voters n=725
White (Not Hispanic) 63%
Black (Not Hispanic) 13%
Hispanic 17%
Other 12%


Sex Florida Voters n=725
Male 46%
Female 54%


Telephone Florida Voters n=
Landline 20%
Cellphone 80%
Refusal <1%


Respondents who selected “Wouldn’t Vote” and “Refusal” were coded as missing and not included in the results presented.

The UNF/First Coast News Florida Statewide Poll is comprised of 725 Florida registered voters and was conducted Monday, Feb. 10 through Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020 by the Public Opinion Research Lab (PORL) at the University of North Florida who sponsored in partnership with First Coast News. The sample frame was comprised of registered Florida voters, 18 years of age or older, contacted by live callers via the telephone from 5 to 9 p.m. daily with a maximum of five callbacks attempted. The phone numbers used for this survey were sourced from the December update of the Florida voter file. UNF undergraduate students and employees conducted interviews in Spanish and English. Data collection took place at the PORL facility with its 27-station Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system.

The margin of sampling error for the total sample is +/- 3.6 percentage points. The breakdown of completed responses on a landline phone to a cellphone was 20% to 80%, with less than 1% unidentified. Through hand dialing, an interviewer upon reaching the individual as specified in the voter file asked that respondent to participate, regardless of landline telephone or cellphone. Data were then weighted by partisan registration, age, race, sex, and education. Education weights were created from the Census’ 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) estimate for the percent of college-educated individuals in the state of Florida, approximately 29%. Partisan registration, sex, race, and age weights were created from the December update of the Florida Voter File to match the active registered voters in Florida. These demographic characteristics were pulled from the voter file list. To ensure a representative sample of registered voters, the 10 Florida designated market areas were stratified. Quotas were placed on each of these stratified areas to ensure a proportionate number of completed surveys from across the state.

All weighted demographic variables were applied using the SPSS version 25 rake weighting function, which will not assign a weight if one of the demographics being weighted on is missing. In this case, respondents missing a response for any of the demographic information were given a weight of 1. There were no statistical adjustments made due to design effects. This study had a 12.2% response rate. The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Response Rate 3 (RR3) calculation was used which consists of an estimate of what proportion of cases of unknown eligibility are truly eligible. This survey was directed by Dr. Michael Binder, UNF associate professor of political science.