Amid Escalating Tension, Ukraine Bans Russian Men From Crossing Its Borders
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko says the ban on Russian men of military age is aimed at preventing the infiltration of “private armies.”
Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko says the ban on Russian men of military age is aimed at preventing the infiltration of “private armies.”
“This has been a battle, and battles sometimes make great friendships,” President Trump said as he signed the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement alongside America’s closest neighbors.
The Hatch Act keeps partisan politics out of the federal workplace. Should it keep civil servants from talking about impeachment or using the #resist hashtag?
The Missouri Democrat reflected on her loss in an interview with NPR. McCaskill criticizes how Democrats handled the Kavanaugh nomination and warns her party against going too far investigating Trump.
Here are some of the latest key words driving teachers in their work.
Millennials are less well off than members of earlier generations when they were young. They have lower earnings, fewer assets and less wealth, a new Federal Reserve study says.
Sheng Hong of the Beijing-based Unirule Institute of Economics is one who has dared to speak up. Now authorities have shut down his think tank and he’s been prevented from traveling abroad.
For decades, India’s Sikhs have longed to reach one of their holiest sites, a soaring white temple, built on a river bank. A new corridor will allow them visa-free access to the temple.
“The roots and the bottoms of the utility poles are just kind of swimming,” Cal Fire spokesman Rick Carhart said on Thursday. Rescue teams worked to save motorists stranded on flooded roads.
The Trump administration offered states specific examples Thursday of how they could change the way they implement the Affordable Care Act. Critics say Trump’s plan could drive up premiums for many.
The September 2017 acquittal of a white police officer charged with killing a black suspect led to protests during which the beating outlined in the indictment occurred.
Charities often debate how the subjects of their fundraising ads are portrayed — but those discussions rarely include the people in the pictures.
Patrons have always been banned in theory from viewing pornographic content over the company’s Wi-Fi, but there was no technological filter in place. Starbucks will have one in 2019.
The incoming far-right president said he requested the change. Environmentalists are worried about how the Bolsonaro administration will handle environmental issues.
Sen. Tim Scott, the lone black Republican in the Senate, said he would not support Thomas Farr. The nominee came under scrutiny over possible voter suppression efforts in North Carolina.
Harold Levy, the former head of New York City public schools, worked to give all students access to college. “Harold wanted to know us, he wanted to hear us,” one student says.
As illegal meth use has made a comeback across the U.S., pregnant women have not been spared, doctors say. New research shows rural areas in the South, Midwest and West have been hit hardest.
During a sting operation, officials successfully bought one item banned from purchase under state law and were offered three more, leading to a search warrant and the large bust.
Food Business Pathways is a free course that gives low-income participants a leg up in turning their ideas into successful businesses through training, mentoring, access to services and space to sell.
People with symptoms suggesting depression felt better immediately when tiny pulses of electricity reached a brain area called the lateral orbitofrontal cortex.
“These sobering statistics are a wakeup call that we are losing too many Americans, too early and too often, to conditions that are preventable,” says CDC Director Robert Redfield.
For nearly 20 years, MillerCoors has brewed nearly all of Pabst’s beers. The arrangement will now continue past 2020.
President Trump’s longtime fixer pleaded guilty on Thursday to lying to Congress about the real estate negotiations that Trump’s business conducted with Russians in 2016.
A court found all three men guilty of murder and sentenced them each to 40 years in prison for the 2017 killing of a 17-year-old who police said they suspected was a drug runner.
The German carmaker is planning to introduce a $30,000 to $40,000 electric car in 2020 to compete with similarly priced American vehicles.
The new report, authored by some of the top experts on China, warns of an aggressive influence campaign aimed at the U.S. government, universities and even Hollywood.
It would take a massive overhaul of state laws to make election administration truly nonpartisan. Voters say they want it, and experts are calling for it, but it probably isn’t coming any time soon.
The president cited Russian aggression against Ukraine in his tweet about the change. He still has a series of meetings planned on the sidelines of the summit, including with China’s Xi Jinping.
The Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing issues a consensus on how scientists might responsibly move forward to create gene-edited babies in the wake of a rogue scientist’s claims.
Economic growth usually means more kids get health insurance, but that’s not been the case during the Trump years, a study shows. For the first time in a decade, the uninsured rate for children is up.
Federal, state and local officials across the country are now on a hunt to verify the claims by Samuel Little, 78, who “may be among the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history.”
Fearless Girl appeared across from the Charging Bull on the eve of International Women’s Day in 2017. It has now been removed and will be placed in front of the New York Stock Exchange.
Harvard University researchers probed the way ADHD is assessed by taking advantage of a quirk found in many U.S. school systems that means some kids are a year younger their classmates.
Bitcoin is known to be volatile. But recently it has suffered a rash of notable losses. Analysts are looking to the amount of computing power used and the split of a rival cryptocurrency for answers.
The president says the U.S. environment is better than it has been in years. But data from various sources paint a more complicated picture.
The caucus vote is just the first of two key elections Pelosi needs to win. The full House formally votes on its next speaker on Jan. 3, the first day of Congress’ next session.