Annah Goba, 20, carries water to her shack in Azania, the name squatters gave to a section of private property they took over in Stellenbosch. Goba said the lack of running water was a challenge, but she couldn’t afford to pay rent in crowded Kayamandi township. Her shirt is from the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters party, which encourages supporters to occupy the land of wealthy farm owners.

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Annah Goba, 20, carries water to her shack in Azania, the name squatters gave to a section of private property they took over in Stellenbosch. Goba said the lack of running water was a challenge, but she couldn’t afford to pay rent in crowded Kayamandi township. Her shirt is from the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters party, which encourages supporters to occupy the land of wealthy farm own