Old Things
by Charlotte Kolb
I love old things, old pots, old shoes, old houses.
The stories they might tell get my heart to thumping, giving my imagination a road to follow.
Who loved it then threw it away for the new?
Somebody’s hands were here before me. Somebody’s life happened under my feet.
I try to hear the voices telling their own stories.
I can never know how that large dent got in that pot—
slammed in anger over a lost job, a woman hating to cook one more meal,
a child marching to a pot drum too happily?
The things stay, we leave them to people like me.
Artist: Charlotte Kolb
Genre: Poetry
Bio: Native Floridian, raised in the country, wife, mother of 3 sons and 2 daughters, retired nurse and lover of Words.
Piece: Old Things
Piece Description: Thoughts about an old pot I brought home.