Local Spotlight | ‘The Elements’ by Madre Vaca

Members of Jacksonville’s jazz vanguard drop their 13th release as Madre Vaca.

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The latest release from Madre Vaca, The Elements, features the top tier of Jacksonville’s modern jazz scene reestablishing their motivic connections. On the quartet’s 13th album, each member of the ensemble (Jarret Carter, guitar; Thomas Milovac, bass; Jonah Pierre, piano; Benjamin Shorstein, drums) introduce an extended piece based on one of four earth elements, upon which the accompanying players improvise …

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Local Spotlight | “Life and Death of a Nation” by Bronero

Jax multi-instrumentalist Jonah Pierre drops a timely (and funky) call for introspection

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Jonah Pierre’s been up to something. Easily recognizable with his close-crop afro and effortless cool, the Jacksonville-based pianist and percussionist has become a fixture in the local music scene, sharing the stage with the region’s top-tier jazz players, as well as performing with the Afro-Cuban salsa band, LPT (disclosure: I also perform with LPT). As busy and in-demand as Pierre …

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Kick Out the (Jazz) Jams | A guide to Jacksonville’s many jam sessions

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The jam session has played a central role in the evolution of American music for over a century. As with so many other things, the jam session concept has its roots in Storyville, New Orleans, where jazz music began in the late 1800’s. In the era before records, before radio and before the modern touring infrastructure, the prominent musicians of …

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