Name: Miles S. Title: The Little Boy Who Wanted to Dance Grade: Kindergarten
“Space! by the Snails” by Penelope P.
Name: Penelope P. Title: Space! by the Snails Grade: Kindergarten
“Hortin the Flower Goes to the Beach” by Wisteria G.
Name: Wisteria G. Title: Hortin the Flower Goes to the Beach Grade: Kindergarten
3 Fun Summer Activities For The Family
2020 has been a hassle, to say the least. Hopefully, you have made it through the summer lockdown with flying colours and you are now planning an unforgettable summer filled with fun activities that will help you and the kids leave everything behind. Without a doubt, we all feel the need to celebrate the 2021 summer in great style, or …
Hometown Presents: Jensen Hande – A Local Commercial Photographer
Jensen Hande took his grandmother’s advice to ‘do what you love and make a living out of it’ to create a successful career as a commercial photographer.
Hometown Presents: the_sockateur – Jordan Mixson on His Love for Fashion and JAX
Jordan Mixson combines his love for fashion and community on Instagram as the_sockateur
“Yes? No?” by Erika Y.
Name: Erika Y. Title: Yes? No? Grade: 3rd
“The Eiffel Tower Moves To Egypt” by Chloe L.
Name: Chloe L. Title: The Eiffel Tower Moves To Egypt Grade: 2nd
“Time Square Alligator Rider” by Alex P.
Name: Alex P. Title: Time Square Alligator Rider Grade: 1st
“Six Little Dolphins” by Myka D.
Name: Myka D. Title: Six Little Dolphins Grade: K-5
“The T-Rex That Couldn’t Roar” by Sabrina S.
Name:Sabrina S. Title: The T-Rex That Couldn’t Roar Grade: 3rd
“Panda Girl” by Abigail E.
Name: Abigail E. Title: Panda Girl Grade: 2nd
“The Dinosaurs and the Meteor” by Aiden D.
Name: Aiden D. Title: The Dinosaurs and the Meteor Grade: 1st
“Time-out! For Mommy” by Niya S.
Name: Niya S. Title: Time-out! For Mommy Grade: K-5
“Annie & Ava: The Mystery of the Haunted House” by Kaileah K.
Name: Kaileah K. Title: Annie & Ava: The Mystery of the Haunted House Grade: 3rd
“When My Brother Laughs” by Charlotte J.
Name: Charlotte J. Title: When My Brother Laughsl Grade: 2nd
“Super Animals” by Sophia A.
Name: Sophia A. Title: Super Animals Grade: 1st
“The Princess & the Dragon” by Luci D.
Name: Luci D. Title: The Princess & the Dragon Grade: K-5
“Remembering Mother” by Alexiya C.
Name: Alexiya C. Title: Remembering Mother Grade: 3rd
“If I Could Fly With Time!” by Nishi S.
Name: Nishi S. Title: If I Could Fly With Time! Grade: 1st
“The Three Little Cats” by Lilah K.
Name: Lilah K. Title: The Three Little Cats Grade: K-5
First Coast Connect | 02/12/15
Brooke Stephens, Local Author of “Men We Cherish: African-American Women Praise the Men in their Lives”, on the Image of African-American Men in America Rethreaded Mukti Celebration Fundraiser Around Town with Kerry Speckman Political Satire Group The Capitol Steps
Studio 5 Sessions: Grandpa’s Cough Medicine- “Instrumental”
Studio 5 Sessions: Grandpa’s Cough Medicine- “Instrumental” WJCT Jacksonville Florida February 6, 2015. Video:Andrew Wiechman Audio:Sean Birch
First Coast Connect
Analysis of President Obama’s State of the Union Address and Income Inequality Issues Bishops Rudolph McKissick Sr. and Rudolph McKissick Jr. Jacksonville’s Search for Identity Communities in Schools National Mentoring Month Programs
Theatre Jacksonville
Theatre Jacksonville is a volunteer-based community theatre that has been entertaining our community for over 90 years.